Rain, or Shine

As long as it's safe, I strive to honor all scheduled tours, even through the rain. For the most part, everyone has been pretty good about the policy over the past six years. 

It can get tricky thuough! DC wether changes so quickly. Even though it may be raining at 10 am, it may not be raining at our tour time of noon. And while I have a generally high tolerance, not everyone is enjoys or is able to tour in wet weather. 

When the participants are game, for the most part, so am I! I was grateful for these Danish television producers for being enthusiastic about touring last month, even through the raindrops.
This was a four hour tour and they were engaged the whole time! Amazing. And yes, we took a mid-tour coffee and warm-up break about 2 hours in 😄. 

They had lots of interesting questions including wanting to know if I thought any states would attempt to leave the union anytime soon! (I don't). They were also perplexed about the idea of federalism especially regarding the issue of gun violence. The session almost became Civics & U.S. Government 101. 

The group wasn't shy about sharing their critical thoughts about what is happening in the U.S. right now and we had some fulfilling discussions interspersed with lots of learning about American history and government. In this way, the content overtook the weather as the defining element of the tour. 

In their post-tour comments/review to me, they all mentioned the elements of learning and no one mentioned the weather. Of course, not ever rainy day tour goes off this well, but that is the ultimate goal.